Coming February 2022 at Lafayette College:
Ed Kerns: Interconnected: A Retrospective Exhibition
curated by Daniel Hill

Pace University, October 11th- November 8, 2016
Visual Inquiries: Artists Inspired by Science is an exhibition exploring the work of eleven artists whose work maintains a strong, engaging visual presence while being firmly rooted in the conceptual foundation of the sciences.
As humanity speeds through an era of exponential growth in technology and the myriad ways this growth influences science itself, as well as society, artists today have never had access to so much information to choose from for the fertile soil from which their work emerges. Recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cosmology, and particle physics have significantly changed our perspective of how we think about ourselves, the universe around us, and how we fit in to the universe. This shift in how we think, and therefore see, has often also been the goal of great art: to change our perspective enough so that we see the world through new eyes. But linking and balancing the perceptual to the conceptual in art has been a tricky, elusive task and is a shadow of the overall complexity of the art and science connection.
More than any other discipline, science provides us with unique, novel perspectives in a very concrete, tangible, and pragmatic way. For example, we now know that everything we have ever touched and seen and all the physical objects ever observed and studied by science throughout history and today on earth and in space, constitute only 4% of matter in the known universe. A statement such as this can not only stir the mind to awe and wonder, but is a stark reminder of how much we actually do not know and how much more there is to learn. This provides a big picture perspective on the trajectory of humanity’s journey, from past to future, in understanding the world around us and achieving some sustainable harmony with it.
Though largely separated due to the objective nature of science and the subjective nature of art, increasingly art and science are finding valuable and fruitful collaborative ground. Famed scientist E.O. Wilson calls this union consilience and has stated, “The strongest appeal of consilience is in the prospect of intellectual adventure and, given even modest success, the value of understanding the human condition with a higher degree of certainty.”
The artists in Visual Inquiries: Artists Inspired by Science have embarked upon this adventure and allow us vision fromm a unique perspective: one that strives to balance the conceptual with the perceptual, and just maybe, provide us a glimpse of a possible future.
Daniel Hill
April 2016
EMERGENCE AND STRUCTURE curated by Daniel Hill and Ron Janowich (2012)
March 20 – April 21, 2012
Richard A. and Rissa W. Grossman Gallery
Lafayette College
Williams Visual Arts Building
243 North Third Street
Easton, Pennsylvania
May 24 – August 11, 2012
MDC Freedom Tower Gallery
Art Gallery System
Miami Dade College
600 Biscayne Boulevard
Miami, Florida
October 5 – November 16, 2012
University Gallery
School of Art + Art History
College of Fine Arts
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Emergence & Structure is an exhibition of artists whose work embodies the emerging complexity apparent in the vast variety of process and architecture currently omnipresent in the natural world. The respective artists utilize aspects of science to inform their work by adapting scientifically inspired methodologies, employing conceptual underpinnings related to scientific discovery, or observing the study of natural systems and structures that exist in all scales throughout the universe.
In the spirit of an open, interdisciplinary exchange, this exhibition will promote the interrelatedness of nature’s processes through visual modeling. By integrating emergent principles via such artistic construction, the exhibition’s primary goal is to inspire innovative thinking and stimulate one’s imagination about the natural world and our relationship to it.
The long-term implications of this endeavor will encourage a full, integral dialogue, dissolving unnecessary boundaries between art and science and redefining the collaborative combination as the enhancement of human capability. Art can do this because it has the capacity to take us into the experience of others. Our very future depends upon how we answer the challenge of reevaluating both art and science’s role in a future society. By viewing the universe through the eyes of scientifically inspired artists, our perceptions will be challenged, and a world normally hidden, just out of sight, can be revealed.
New York–based artists Ron Janowich and Daniel Hill curate the exhibition.
Lafayette College
Miami/Dade College
Lafayette College Daniel Hill, John Aslanidis, Daniel Hill, John Aslanidis, Ed Kerns, David Row
Ed Kerns (red), Ron Janowich- Miami/Dade
Robert Yasuda, John Aslanidis, Robin Hill- Miami/Dade
Daniel Hill, David Row- Miami/Dade
March 20 – April 21, 2012
Richard A. and Rissa W. Grossman Gallery
Lafayette College
Williams Visual Arts Building
243 North Third Street
Easton, Pennsylvania
Michiko Okaya
Director, Lafayette Art Galleries
May 24 – August 11, 2012
MDC Freedom Tower Gallery
Art Gallery System
Miami Dade College
600 Biscayne Boulevard
Miami, Florida
Jeremy Mikolajczak,
Executive Director, Art Gallery System
October 5 – November 16, 2012
University Gallery
School of Art + Art History
College of Fine Arts
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Amy Vigilante
Director, University Galleries